Epping, Hogan, Koehler.
On this website we provide pointers to the various deep dive books we have produced over the last couple of years. These books cover a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from the ESXi CPU and memory schedulers to Kubernetes. The idea has always been to provide deep, yet easy to understand, content for people at various stages of their IT/Cloud careers. We want to provide people that next level of expertise they are looking for to accellerate their career growth. We hope you enjoy and appreciate our content.
VMware vSAN 8.0 U1 Deep Dive (ESA)
VMware vSAN 7.0 U3 Deep Dive (OSA)
Kubernetes for vSphere Administrators
vSphere 6.7 Clustering Deep Dive
vSphere 6.5 Host Resources Deep Dive
The Unexplored Territory Podcast
Duncan Epping - Yellow-Bricks.com
Cormac Hogan - CormacHogan.com
Frank Denneman - FrankDenneman.nl
Niels Hagoort - NielsHagoort.com